It is an obvious fact for student that an experience is a key factor to look more pleasing to employers. Job-related experience can be obtained through internships, summer and part-time jobs, while studying.
Regardless if you’re college engineering student or a recent graduate who is looking for a career as an engineer an engineering internships would be the best place to start. There are companies who offer paid internships which is better than an unpaid one but both can provide you a valuable work experience and could be your edge on a competition when looking for a job.
Internships are valuable since they offer students or recent grads the possibilities to learn about their future career fields and also the companies' where they intern. It is a great preparation for both college students and graduates what they will expect in the real world, giving them an idea what it taste like when in an actual job. This is also a best way for college kids to get their feet on the doors of the companies they dream to work after graduation.
During internships most people are very willing to tell the students about their jobs, their career paths and exactly how they reached that field. However if you are a fresh graduate and already on a real job; co-workers are often guarded and it is not that easy to get information nor tips about work.
Advantages of Internships
Students who have worked as interns have a greater advantage than the other, their interviews contain work related types of contributions they can make to a potential employer and they've professional references.
Internships is a great investments for students future. Whether they receive a course credit or money, being and intern can give you so many benefits. Internship shortens the jobs search since you already have a relevant experience that most employers are looking for.
When is the best time to be an intern?
Usually, college students opt to complete internships during summer or sometime waited until the final year of school. However due to some other reasons such as financial students are starting their internships during fall or spring while taking a full course load.
Without an engineering internships experience, engineering students can barely write something relevant on their resumes. Employers these days opt to see work experiences and they want to see it experiences related to the field.
Moreover, since unemployment rates are high among recent college graduates, many alumni who cannot find full-time work are accepting unpaid internships just to gain additional work experience and get a better job.
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